Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh- Best Seller

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The gas stove is one of the most used kitchen accessories around the world. The people of Bangladesh also use this. Even the use of gas stoves is increasing day by day in our country. With the increase in use, people’s interest to know the price of gas stoves is also increasing. Thinking that we are going to tell you about gas stove price in Bangladesh. In this discussion, we will talk about Gas stove price in Bangladesh. So, without any delay. Let’s start with Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh.

Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh Overview

There are various brands in Bangladesh that produce and sell gas stoves. Among them, RFL, Omera, Walton, and many other popular and well-known brands are there in Bangladesh. Let’s find out the price of each brand of gas stove.

A sort Price chart of Gas Stove in Bangladesh

RFL2000 BDT – 8000 BDT
Walton1000 BDT – 5000 BDT
Miyako1200 BDT – 6000 BDT
Omera1000 BDT – 4500 BDT
Singer1500 BDT – 4500 BDT

RFL Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh

There are so many brands of gas stoves in Bangladesh. But among them, RFL is the most popular. They have a huge number of models of Gas stoves. People love all of these models. But based on the build material and many other specifications the price varies.

RFL Non-Auto Gas Stove Two Burner 2 -41 (LPG/NG)

৳ 1,800
Stainless Steel Panel
Beehive Iron Burner
Size: 700mmX320mmX135mm

You will find this brand of Gas stoves from 2000 to 8000 BDT. Price depends on burner number, body material, and firing system. The sub-brand of RFL kitchen is Topper.

Walton Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh

Walton is known as a local brand in Bangladesh. If you want to buy their gas stoves then you will have to cost around 1000 BDT to 5000 BDT.

Walton Gas Stove
Walton Gas Stove

The single burner is low-cost. And body material also affects the price. They have different products, among them, gas stoves are more popular.

Read about Walton Washing Machine

Miyako Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh

Miyako gas stoves are mid-budget stoves. They have different models in this product category. From them, you can select your ones.

Miyako Gas Stove
Miyako Gas Stove

The price of this brand of gas stove rounds from 1200 BDT to 4500 BDT. If the burner number is two and the build material is glass then the price may reach the 4500 BDT mark.

But one single burner with a steel body is in the lowest range.

Omera Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh

This is not very popular in Bangladesh but then has a very good reputation as a producer of gas stoves. They also have different models of gas stoves. Among them, some are double burners and some are single burners.

Omera Gas Stove
Omera Gas Stove

The price range is from 1000 BDT to 4500 BDT.

Gas Stove Price Depends on

W have seen that the price of gas stoves is not the same. Sometimes same types of gas stoves have different prices. But why did this happen? From my personal observation, I find some reasons for these price differences. Let’s see them make your buying easy.

→ Number of Burners

We know that the number of burners is very important. And the price depends on this very much. If the number of burners is one then the price will be low but the two burners price higher than the single one. The highest price I show of every brand is usually the two-burner stove.

Burner Material

The burner is a very important part of a gas stove. The quality of burner material is the key thing to determining the stove price. Usually, the casting burner price is low but the brass burner is a very high price. There is a reason behind it. The brass burner lasts for a very long time.

Firing Type

There are two types of firing systems. In some gas stoves, you have to use external fire to create fire in them. That is called a normal or manual gas stove. But there are some that can fire themselves. They are called autogas stoves. These autogas stoves are more worthy than the normal ones.

Body Material

There are two types of body materials used in gas stoves. These are glass and still. If the gas stove has a glass body then its price will be high. But the still body stoves are low priced. 

Before you buy any brand’s stove, you have to think about these things. You have to compare the price with the stove specifications. If it is reasonable then you may buy this.

Things to Check Before Buying Gas Stoves

There is something that you need to check or inspect while buying gas stoves. They are important for many reasons. Here I make a list of these must-check things for a gas stove.

  • Burner Material
  • Firing System
  • Warranty
  • Originally

Where to Buy Gas Stoves In Bangladesh?

This is one of the most popular questions in the mind of those people who want to buy a gas stove. But most people don’t know where to buy gas stoves easily. For them, I make a list of some famous sources to buy gas stoves. You can also ask about Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh in your local shop.

  • Physical Stores of Kitchen
  • Online E-Commerce
  • Official Online seller
  • Any Showroom

Frequently  Ask Question Gas Stove

1. Which brand is best for gas stoves in Bangladesh?

Answer:  The Walton gas stove is the best in Bangladesh for kitchens. It’s safe, reliable, and easy to use with high-quality features that make it perfect whether you are cooking at home or preparing food outside on your outdoor grill!

2. What is the price of an RFL gas stove in Bangladesh?

Answer: The retail price of a gas stove in Bangladesh usually ranges from 22,00-12,000 Bangladeshi Taka. When you say “Bangladesh”, what region are they selling the stoves in? From talking with various people I have heard the prices vary depending on where it is being sold. Fuel costs vary per place too.

  1. RFL Gas Burner LPG A-205: ৳ 2,065 BDT
  2. RFL Gas Burner NG A-206: ৳ 2,390 BDT
  3. RFL Gas Burner NG 2-11SBC: ৳ 2,775 BDT
  4. RFL Gas Burner LPG 27 GR: ৳ 5,280 BDT

3. What is the price of a gas burner?

Answer: The price of a gas burner may vary, depending on how much it is used. On average, the price might range from 15,00 BDT to 8,000 BDT. It’s safe to say that in Bangladesh, they’re typically more affordable than in other countries around the world because gas stoves are not as popular there. So gas burner price or Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh is somehow high for middle-class families.

4. What is the rate of the LPG gas cylinder?

Answer: It is currently the case that LPG gas costs may vary. The cost of an LPG cylinder varies, depending on where it is purchased and what company supplies the fuel. Some suppliers show prices for their cylinders to be between 1050 BDT to 1250 BDT. So LPG Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh is pretty reasonable.

5. Is it safe to use a glass-top gas stove?

Answer: Safer than a regular gas stove unattended. A glass-top stove may be safer than conventional stoves because there is no exposed burner directly above the flame, which could potentially cause burns if unattended. However, you do not want to leave it on when you are not in the vicinity of cooking with your child who likes to touch things. It is far more dangerous than a radiant stove like electric one – if it touches something magnetic, like an iron skillet for example, which means metal turns into liquid.

Beware! This will happen rapidly and without any warning! There can also be substantial heating from glass coats so don’t use this on an elevated area such as your countertop where children may have access. Always use protective gloves when using glass

6. Is an automatic gas stove safe?

Answer: Automatic gas stove ignitions are safer. Safety in cooking relies heavily on the use of a modern stove. Gas stoves are used to cook many meals around the world and are very reliable when properly maintained. Three safety consequences for gas stoves are installation, maintenance, and operation. As a result of the automatic Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh, you need to know.

Top Ten Gas Stove Brand In Bangladesh

  1. Walton
  2. Omera
  3. RFL
  4. LPG
  5. NOAH
  6. Sharif
  7. Topper
  8. Rizco
  9. Electra
  10. Miyako
  11. Singer
  12. Kiam
  13. Medea
  14. Sanford

Our Opinion

That was all about Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh. I tried to give you a complete buying guide for buying a gas stove. I hope you enjoy the guide and you get benefited from it. That was all about Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh. Thanks for reading about Gas Stove Price in Bangladesh.

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