Goldfish Price In Bangladesh, The Best Opening Guide
Decorating houses with goldfish has gained a lot of popularity nowadays. Their excellent color can make your office room, living room, or a bedroom more colorful and increase positivity. Not just that, but goldfishes play a vital role in keeping all the stress and mentally tired from everyday life away from you. Some people even think it is a symbol of luck and fortune. Since they are available and goldfish price in Bangladesh is cheap, many people want to keep them at their house.

The price of goldfish in Bangladesh varies depending on the size and type of the fish. Here are some goldfish price in Bangladesh:
- A pair of goldfish measuring 2.5 inches each can be purchased for 160 Bangladeshi Taka (TK), while a pair of 2-inch goldfish costs 100 TK.
- Specific breeds of goldfish have different price ranges:
- Black Oranda Gold Fish Price: 1,250 – 2,500 TK
- Blue Orenda Gold Fish Price: 1,500 – 4,000 TK
- Calico Ryukin Goldfish Price: 1,500 – 3,500 TK
- Calico Telescope Goldfish Price: 500 – 2,000 TK
- Red Cap Oranda Goldfish Price: 500 – 1,500 TK
- Red Orenda Gold Fish: Price 1,000 – 2,000 TK
- Shubunkin Goldfish: Price 500 – 1,000 TK
- Wakin Goldfish: Price 500 – 3,000 TK.
- Another source lists a price of 300 TK for a goldfish, though it doesn’t specify the size or type.
These prices reflect the diversity in the types of goldfish available in Bangladesh and the variation in their pricing based on size and breed.
However, now I am going to tell you about goldfish price in Bangladesh and others about it. So, without more intro, let’s explore this beautiful creature.
Table of Contents
Goldfish Price In Bangladesh
The goldfish is a freshwater fish. It is included in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. Their wonderful color patterns and superb body shapes make it one of the most iconic indoor aquarium fish in existence today.

Goldfish are now being farmed on a large scale in different parts of Bangladesh. So, now they are available in our country. Besides that, goldfish price in Bangladesh costs very low. However, you can find it in any pet store or any E-commerce site. In this case, the price changes a little. Ordering from any online site costs more than a store. However, the fish is more available in Katabon, Dhaka.
Most of the time it is sold as a pair. You can get a pair of 2.5 inches of goldfish at 160 TK. On the other hand, a pair of 2 inches of goldfish cost 100 TK. I think you should purchase the fish physically rather than purchase from an E-commerce site. This will not only reduce your costs but also ensure appropriate purchasing.
Now, here you can find something about goldfish.
Goldfish History
The goldfish was first known as the Asian carp. Because it is a comparatively small member of the carp family. Goldfish were originally found in East Asia more than thousands, of years ago. The actual dwelling of the carp which become goldfish is in the eastern area of China. The historical record comes from the Jin Dynasty (266-420 AD) in China. Later, the fish spread from China to Japan or somewhere in the world between 1650 and 1700.
Goldfish Size
Goldfish generally do not grow longer than 6 inches or 15 cm. Goldfish price in Bangladesh vary by size. They may grow longer in bigger tanks or outdoor ponds. When goldfish are kept in small aquariums, they are then 1 inch to 2 inches long. But, in the wild, they can be 14 inches long.
Goldfish Vision
Vision is highly developed in goldfish species. Goldfish price in Bangladesh under buying middle class family’s. Human eyes can see only three colors, but goldfish can see four. Because of having four kinds of cone cells, they can see four different colors: red, green, blue, and ultraviolet which makes them tetrachromats.
Goldfish can listen to you. They can hear 40 to 3200 Hz. However, they have two otoliths used to identify the sound of particle motion. So this hearing goldfish price in Bangladesh is worth buying.
In most cases, the reproduction of goldfish depends on the environment, weather and temperature. You need to prepare your tank first, and this tank should hold at least 20 gallons. Keep the temperature of the water around 50 °F and gradually promote the temperature by two or three degrees each day until it reaches 74 °F to encourage spawning.
In this perfect environment of the tank, isolate a pair of male and female goldfish. The female releases her eggs and the male releases his milt that fertilizes the eggs. After that, the eggs hatch within 48 to 72 hours. Finally, the new babies in final shape will appear within a week.
Goldfish Behavior
Goldfish are absolutely social fish. They have the ability to learn social learning skills. They are very friendly to the people whom they live with. Furthermore, they love to play, swim all day and explore your aquarium. When they feel at risk, they hide behind a plant or in a hole.
Benefits Of Keeping Goldfish As Pets

Goldfish do more than just enhance the beauty of your house. Now I am going to discuss the advantages of keeping goldfish at your home.
Goldfish Easy To Maintain

Caring for goldfish in your home is not very difficult, as they don’t need vigorous maintenance like other pets. For example, you don’t need to take them to the vet.
Moreover, they won’t make noise anymore that can disturb your family members or neighbors.
Goldfish need to be fed once a day. More than that, you don’t need to be worried about their feeding because there are automatic feeders.
Inexpensive And Available Everywhere
Goldfish is one of the least expensive pets. They can be found almost everywhere in Bangladesh. You can get goldfish of different colors from any pet shop at a very favorable price.
Improve Your Mental Health
Studies have shown that having an aquarium at your home is a wonderful way to reduce your mental depression. Even by setting up a goldfish aquarium, you can feel tranquility in your mind. It is very enjoyable to watch goldfish swimming smoothly through the water after a stressful, long day.
Reduce Mosquito Population
Lately, the dengue mosquito outbreak has reached a dangerous level in our country. You can keep goldfish in outdoor ponds or any waterlogged places to reduce the mosquito population. They destroy mosquito breeding grounds by eating mosquito larvae and eggs.
Money Making Opportunity
You have a great opportunity to make money by raising goldfish at your house. Since it costs less and is easy to raise goldfish, you can breed them and sell them with more baby goldfish.
Other Pets | Goldfish |
They need routine walks outside. | They don’t need so. |
You can’t go on vacation without them. | You can go on any vacation or trip with complete peace of mind. Because there are automatic feeders to feed them. |
You have to properly take care of other pets. Such as bathing them, keeping them at the right temperature, etc. | You don’t have to do anything. |
Many people like to keep goldfish at their homes for their relaxing and fun pastime. Apart from that, they can make fantastic pets, and you can keep them as the goldfish price in Bangladesh is really near your hand.
But they also require love, care, and attention just like other pets. Are you ready to provide your goldfish with what they need? Hope you get enough information on goldfish price in Bangladesh from this article. Now it is clear about goldfish price in Bangladesh.
FAQ: Goldfish Prices in Bangladesh
1. What is the average price of goldfish in Bangladesh?
- The average price of goldfish in Bangladesh can vary widely depending on the type, size, and breed. Generally, prices start from BDT 50 for common varieties and can go up to several thousand takas for rare and exotic breeds.
2. Are certain breeds of goldfish more expensive?
- Yes, some breeds are more expensive due to their rarity, coloration, and breeding difficulty. Breeds like Orandas, Lionheads, and Ranchus often command higher prices compared to common goldfish.
3. How does the size of the goldfish affect its price?
- Larger goldfish, especially those that are well-maintained and healthy, are typically more expensive. The age and size of the fish play a significant role in determining its price.
4. Does the place of purchase affect the goldfish price in Bangladesh?
- Yes, prices can vary depending on where you buy the goldfish. Local pet stores, breeders, or fish markets might offer different prices. Online platforms may also have varying prices, often influenced by shipping costs.
5. Are there any additional costs to consider when buying a goldfish?
- Apart from the price of the fish itself, potential owners should consider the cost of a suitable tank, filtration system, food, and other maintenance expenses.
6. Can the season or time of year affect goldfish prices?
- Seasonal variations can affect goldfish prices. During certain times of the year, especially around festivals or holidays, the demand might increase, potentially influencing prices.
7. Is it possible to negotiate the price of goldfish in Bangladesh?
- In some cases, especially when purchasing from local markets or breeders, prices may be negotiable. However, this might not be the case in established pet stores or online.
8. Are imported goldfish more expensive than locally bred ones?
- Generally, imported goldfish, especially from renowned breeding countries like Japan and China, are more expensive due to import costs and their often superior lineage and quality.
9. How can I ensure I’m getting a fair price for a goldfish in Bangladesh?
- Researching prices online, visiting multiple stores, and talking to experienced fish keepers or breeders can help you understand the fair market value and ensure you’re paying a reasonable price.
10. Are there price differences between goldfish for aquariums and ponds?
- Yes, goldfish bred for ponds, often larger and more resilient, can be priced differently from those bred for aquariums, which may have more intricate color patterns and require more delicate care.